Thursday, June 17, 2010

P90x Plyometrics

Having today off, I slept in a extra 30 minutes. I expected to wake up feeling pretty refreshed and ready to go. That could not have been further from the truth. I felt like I was trying to start an old car that had been sitting for years today.

I've been blaming allergies for the past couple weeks, so I finally started taking Zyrtec to see if that would help. No dice so far. I'll give it another couple days.

As much as I struggled, I worked insanely hard. In fact, I sweat more than I did for Insanity. My shirt could not have been more wet if I thrown it in a pool.

Recovery next week, so that means a week off from plyo. I'll miss it, I enjoy kicking my own but. By the way, for the record, 46 Jump Knee Tucks on the first pass and 36 on the second! Now I just need to work on getting my knees higher.

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