Thursday, June 3, 2010

P90x Day 2 Plyometrics

Wow, lets start by saying I brought it hard yesterday and definitely feel it today, a lot. Chest and back are stiff and sore, shoulder joints hurt from all the push ups. I can't wait to get my push up mojo back. I understand why people who have never worked out a lot quit here.

Let me start by saying, after completing Insanity, I expected Plyo to be a piece of cake....I could not have been more wrong. I'm still having allergy issues, and the humidity was like drowning. Plyo, while much more slower paced than Insanity, has a lot more power requirements. Lots more squatting/lunging/jumping. On the upside, I only had to stop for a couple seconds once or twice to catch my breath...right after Jump Knee Tucks(the mother of all P90x exercises), and this was probably from allergies.

I really like Tony. He does a great job of acting as an instructor and he does a much better warm up/cool down than Insanity. With Insanity, I swear you needed to warm up before starting the video.

Anyway, I can feel my glutes already getting tight. Tomorrow morning is going to be brutal, I expect that, and I know that's when a lot of people quit After day 2, everything hurts. But things start to settle down with day 3, get through the first week and you're well on your way.

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