Friday, May 23, 2014

P90x 2014 SC - Day 9 Plyometrics

My body is finally starting to move without soreness, which is a big bonus in the mornings.  Yesterday I gave blood at work.  In the past, I've done that and done plyo the next day.  Those are really ugly days.  More like hideously ugly days.

This morning I wasn't feeling 100% so instead of being young and stupid, I did something older and smart.  I throttled back a little and did the 30 minute P90x3 Agility workout.  I'm still a bucket of sweat, but at least I only saw stars at the very end instead of halfway through.  I also skipped the plyo push ups at the end to rest my elbow a little more.

I will admit, part of me is pissed off about not doing plyo today, even though I know this was the right choice.

Have a good one.

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