Thursday, May 17, 2012

X2 - Shoulders and Arms

So much to say!  Where do I begin?

I went into this workout, not real excited about it.  It's only 7 exercises, repeated 3 times.  I have to say, I really enjoyed it.  At only 53ish minutes, it goes fast and is hard.  I ended up dragging out every dumbbell I had between 3 and 35lbs.

They should have gotten the guy with one leg from P90x Plyo for this workout, because you spend more time on one leg than 2.  You start with the balance curl followed by arnold press, both on one leg....don't forget to switch legs halfway through.  Follow that up with tricep extensions on the stability ball...this was one of the easier exercises for me.  Then it's the six direction shoulder fly.  I wisely used 10 pound dumbbells and was happy with that choice.

Once you get through there, it's time for the monster in the match.  Crazy 8s! with alternating feet.  Think static arm curls, except 8 reps each, but on one foot.  Changing feet every time you change arms.  I help back and used 25s for this because I know static arm curls contributed to my sore elbow.   By the end, I don't think I could have used larger weights anyway.

Next up, Y-T fly.  Tony suggests using no weights, or 5s.  I only have 10s, so I tried those.  Lets just say, for the next 2 sets, I dug out my wife's 3lbers.  Finally, rocket launcher tricep kickbacks.  Tony seems to like the plyo stand for this, but I felt it more in lunge position.

Great workout, really flew by.

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