Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 36 - Max Internval Circuit

So today starts month 2 and a whole new set of videos, which now jump to 60ish minutes long. Today was supposed to be the Fit test and Max Interval Training(MIT). After previewing the workout, I opted to skip the fit test. Good thing I did. I really don't see how you could do both and have anything left after the warm up of MIT.

I was slow and sluggish from laying laminate flooring yesterday, so it took me a little longer to get started, but once I did, I dug deep, and made it all the way to China. I don't know how to describe this other than say it is ridiculously hard. I spent a fair amount of time watching all the floor work as there is a ton of it. On the up side, after this, I'm pretty sure my shoulder is almost all better. Tomorrow is supposed to be more floor work...great.

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