Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 24 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

I am dumb. In addition to doing extreme workout programs and playing D&D, I have another hobby, that attempts to shift me back to the cool side of hobbies....homebrewing beer. Yesterday was my daughter's first communion and we had a party and I brewed beer for it. Over the course of the day, 5 or 6 of us drank all five liters of the keg I brewed, equal to around 50 bottles. I was probably in the 8-10 range. Even after drinking several glasses of water, I was a bit slow to get up and get started this morning.

I took a while to get warmed up, and did have to push pretty hard to keep up, but in the end, got the workout in and am happy I did. I feel much better, even if I am wiped out.

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