Monday, April 16, 2012


Tomorrow, myself, my brother and 2 of our friends begin dedicating 90 days of our lives to P90X2. This blog will cover my efforts, trials, and tribulations.

I thought I'd give a quick introduction about myself and my plans. I just wrapped up my 5th round of P90x, but not without taking a month+ break, at the end, to deal with some tendonitis in my elbow. As a prep for X2 and to finish this round, I did 1 week of phase 1, 1 week of phase 2, and 1 week of recovery. I am by no means in the shape I want to be in for this.

While I've completed P90x 5 times, I have never followed the diet, so I'm carrying around plenty of extra weight. As part of this, I intend to work much harder on my eating, but that's another post. For the record, I'm 6-3 and around 265, built like an ox.

I prefer to do my workouts first thing in the morning as I like to spend time with the family when I get home from work. I will do my best to post in the mornings, but no promises. I expect my first posts to be reviews of each routine as I do them.

Lastly, outside of the tendonitis, which is pretty minor now, I ruptured my achilles tendon about 5 years's almost back to normal. Otherwise, my limitations are my own physical and mental issues.

And no, I've never done a pull up, chin up yes, pull up…not even close.

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