Sunday, April 22, 2012

X2 - Balance and Power

I can sum this workout up in 5 words...."Plenty of room for improvement."

You once again start with the standard warm up.  It's growing on my, but my stability ball with sand in the bottom sure does warm my shoulders up fast.  Speaking of the stability ball, after the past couple workouts, I think this is the accessory to buy, if you're only going to buy one for X2.  Yes, the foam roller is used every workout, but for making things hard, the stability ball rocks.

There are plenty of interesting, challenging, combo exercises in this routine.  There are several one leg hopping or bending over exercises, that were tough.  I think the worst exercise, for me, was the decline sphinx plank press.  It's basically a sphinx push up with your feet on the ball.  Lots of struggle for me.  This workout, more than any of the other ones definitely highlighted the extra weight in my midsection.

Another highlight of my weight is there are several exercises where you use push up stands or dumbbells as push up stands.  Putting 265ish pounds onto the palm of my hands is not remotely comfortable.  Hopefully I will get back to eating better and drop a few pounds to make this workout a bit easier.

All in all, a good workout, probably the hardest so far.  The addition of the medicine ball to so many exercises really had my core working hard.

As an fyi, I have a scheduling conflict Tuesday night(I'll be up really late), so that makes working out Wednesday very hard.  I may skip rest/mobility and recovery tomorrow and jump right to Core, moving rest to Wednesday.  We'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow, but week one, pretty much done!

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