Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 2 - Core

This was my second time diving into this workout.  To be honest, there were very few specifics I remembered going into it.  I was surprised to feel that my upper body was a bit tired from Balance and Power a  couple days earlier.

My numbers did improve for many of the exercises, but not like I had expected.  In the past, doing workouts like chest/back, I would see gains of 20 or more push ups in the total count.  I did not see improvements like that.

The dreya roll still eludes me, even with the medicine ball to assist.  So I went back to the original, where I could use my hands to help push me up.  The last exercise, the medicine ball, one legged, burpee is also still an immense challenge.  Moving up to the 10lb ball helped as I gained a slightly large surface to spread my hands out.  I managed 6.

I had also inflated my stability ball a bit more and that definitely helped.

Tomorrow Plyocide is scheduled.  I will likely swap it with rest on the following day as I have some friends over tonight and will likely be up late.

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