Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 62 - Fit Test

Officially done!

Here are my fit test stats, first week and last week
Switch kicks 102 123
Power Jacks 43 58
Power Knees 66 98
Power Jumps 32 40
Globe Jumps 8 9
Suicide Jumps 12 15
Push up Jacks 23 31
Plank Oblique 38 56

Overall I'm happy I did Insanity. I'm not sure I'll do it again. I'm still considering mixing some of this into P90x. Haven't made any decisions yet.

I'm anticipating starting P90x Tuesday or Wednesday. A little sooner than I wanted, but I can't lie around too long.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 61 - Max Cardio Conditioning

Yesterday, it was 93 degrees and humid when I got home from work. It thunder stormed overnight, lowering the heat a little, but it was still 82 in my family room this morning...never mind the humidity.

I started sweating just putting my sneakers on. Managed a good, LAST workout. I still have a fit test tomorrow, but the Insanity is pretty much over.

I'm happy I was able to complete it, but I don't know that I will do it again. Unlike P90x, I do not think this is sustainable long term.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 60 - Max Interval Plyo

Man has this week been hard. I'm not sure if it's my body breaking down, the added humidity, the fact there is no recovery workout, or all of the above. Any way you look at it, this has been a TOUGH week.

I was a pool of sweat today. There was not a dry article of clothing on my body when I finished. Still, it feels good to know I'm almost done.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 59 - Max Interval Sports Training

I felt a little better today. Still tired, but since this workout isn't as hard as the other 3, I had a better mental outlook at well.

2 days to go. I'm definitely doing P90x next, I night hybridize it with Insanity, not sure. I'm trying to blend the P90x diet, Insanity diet, and what I believe/like/will eat into something useful. More on that to's all in the prep.

I will continue to blog about that as well.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 58 - Max Interval Circuit

I'm done. It's like I didn't even get my rest day. This morning's workout was brutal. When I finished, there was not a dry piece of clothing on my body, and the hand towel I use was wet as well. I'm not sure if the humidity has risen, or I'm just having to work harder, but I'm wiped.

I have been concentrating more on using my core and I'm definitely feeling that, so I'm still improving on that at least.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 57 - Max Cardio Conditioning

Yesterday I mowed/bagged the grass, spread the clippings in the garden, and then worked in there, planting a couple dozen plants. My allergies are killing me today. Sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and tight chest, no air to breath. I'm like a allergy medicine commercial.

Warm up was definitely slow, but I did finish. Can't wait to complete Insanity.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 56 - Max Interval Plyo

I really pushed it hard at the beginning of this workout. Worked at getting as many push ups as I could and focused on keeping my core tight. It wiped me for later. With 15 minutes left, I was done. I brought as much as I could for the rest of the workout and can honestly say this is the hardest I've worked in any Insanity workout.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 55 - Rest

Another well earned rest day. My last one. Six more workouts and I can proudly say I completed Insanity. This looks to be a hard week, with no Recovery day in the middle.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 54 - Max Interval Sports Training

Still haven't recovered fully from staying up so late the other day, but still got a decent workout in.
There are some "football" floor exercises that are absolutely brutal. The 2 minute basketball "suicide" drill really wipes me out for cardio.

Rest tomorrow and then the last week.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 53 - Max Interval Circuit

Today I officially crossed a line. I got to bed shortly after 1:30 this morning. Since my body is used to waking up around 5:00, it did. I rolled over and told myself 20 minutes more and if I wake up, I'd Dig Deep and get it done.

I might have dug to China. So with less than 4 hours of sleep, I did the workout and only crashed a little at the very end. This is probably the "easiest" of the core three you do this round. It's still an ass kicker. One more this week and then rest.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 52 - Max Recovery

Today was my last Max does next week look hard!

I struggled a bit today, my shoulders got tired more quickly than usual. Then I remembered I gave blood and spent an hour+ raking my garden yesterday. That pretty much explained it. I'm going to be up late tonight, which makes tomorrow morning so much more challenging, if I can even get up.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 51 - Max Cardio Conditioning

I have the day off today, but really needed to get the workout done this morning. I had a good start with Max Cardio Conditioning, but both my daughters got up as I was finishing it. Since I had to get them breakfast, and ready for school, I had to skip Insane Abs....can't say I'm sorry about that as it is total murder after the other workout.

I might try to fit abs in tonight or tomorrow. We'll see, but no promises.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 50 - Max Interval Plyo

This is the hardest workout. In the first 2 circuits, you're on the ground for half of them. The last exercise being 16 pushups, 16 mountain climbers, twice.

I had a real hard time committing to getting started, but once I got warmed up, I dug deep and had a great workout. My back is still sore, but not as bad,so once it gets warmed up, it isn't killing me, just annoying.

10 days left. I think I've almost figured out what I intend to do next.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 49 - Max Interval Circuit

Today was supposed to be another fit test. Skipped it. I struggle enough with the workouts. I did have a good day today. Rest day did my body well. My back is still bothering me, but otherwise, I felt good.

I made it almost to the end of the first circuit with a break. The last set of ski abs, jack push ups, etc I had to take a break during.

What is it about this set of videos and women's names, they almost all start with A:
I think there was one more too. And there's the guy, Akeil.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 48 - Max Interval Sports Training

According to the schedule, I have my choice today of Core Cardio and Balance, again, or Max Interval Sports Training(MIST). I went with MIST even though it was an hour. I liked it. Some tough exercises, but plenty of rest.

My back is still very sore, so there were a couple exercises it got in the way of. Otherwise, not too bad, Not a ton of impact either, lots of hopping, not as much jumping.

Rest tomorrow and definitely needed.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 47 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Insane Abs

I've figured out what my problem with Insanity is. I don't have a workout I particularly like, since they are all so similar. That gives me nothing to look forward to except finishing. So it goes, I'll suck it up, stop complaining, dig deep, and finish.

Today brought the addition of Insane Abs. 33 minutes of abs. Yup, I said 33! It's a nice video to watch, since I did that 40-50% of the time. How he expects another 30 minutes of effort after Cardio Conditioning eludes me. Some great exercises and I certainly did them all, just not all of them. I'm sure I'll be feeling it shortly.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 46 - Max Recovery

This workout is so different, no jumping or high impact exercises. It's still work, but not as grinding. Lots of squats/lunges/planks/push ups. I will admit I'm tired of push ups EVERY day. It's really beginning to stress my shoulders.

Adding Abs back in tomorrow.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 45 - Max Interval Plyo

I really didn't have it today. Took me forever to get started. I was afraid I'd be calling it in for the whole workout. Once I finally got going, I did well.

I pulled a muscle, to the left of my spine, about shoulder blade height. It is uncomfortable to breath and big jumps and push ups kill me until I get going. Amazingly, I improved on push ups.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 44 - Max Interval Circuit

This one has a couple really challenging sequences that absolutely wreck you. Right out of the gate, I think the second exercise, you're on the ground for ski abs, push up abs, in/out abs, and one more. Then in the last sequence, when you can barely move, back down for 8 mountain climbers, 4 moving push ups, and 8 oblique push ups.

I was surfing the TV last night and QVC was selling P90x. Tony was on. I'm enjoying Insanity, but miss the well roundedness P90x. I will probably merge the programs for what I do next.

Happy Mother's day to any mom's who happen to see this.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 43 - Max Cardio Conditioning

I hate it when my workout time gets bumped around, especially in the morning. I didn't get to start till 8:40, which means no breakfast till late, which usually means I run out of gas during the workout. I definitely did better than last time.

For a cardio workout, there sure is plenty of time on the floor. The push up exercises really tax you.

When I do this again on Wednesday, Cardio Abs or Insane Abs gets tacked on the end...I can hardly wait.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 42 - Rest

Another rest day. It couldn't get here fast enough. Three weeks to go.

My body definitely needed the rest. It's still tired today, but healing a bit. Hopefully my legs will get there strength back.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 41 - Max Interval Plyo

This one is just plain old hard. There is a ton of leg strength stuff followed up by a bunch of ground work. All kinds of pushups.

This is the end of my first week and while I did better than the last time I did this workout, my legs were feeling it. My body can't wait for rest tomorrow. I did have to modify 2 exercises. I've finally learned that my knees don't like jumping up and down on one foot repeatedly. So for the single leg exercises that had a hop at the end, I didn't do the hop.

2/3 of the way done.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 40 - Max Interval Circuit

Tough day today. I have it off, so I slept in a bit and by time the kids were off to school, it was almost 9 and I hadn't eaten yet. I made the decision to workout then, instead of eating and waiting. I crashed midway through the last segment....could just be I couldn't do it also. I'm not sure.

This really is a grueling workout. The new warm up is hard and the first circuit has a brutal plank/push up/ground work combo that really taxes you. After that, there are exercises that should be relatively easy, except for the fact Insanity has mopped the floor with you.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 39 - Max Recovery

I'd love to see Shaun T's definition of recovery. While there was no jumping around or high impact stuff, there was plenty of sweat. Tons of planks and push ups. I did lay off the last set of 16 slow push ups as I could feel my shoulder getting funny and I really don't want to chance reinjuring it.

I woke up feeling good and still feel that way. As I expected, my body is adjusting to the workouts. For those of you who have done P90x, this was very reminiscent of the first time I did Yoga. Lots of uncomfortable holding and breathing.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Recovery Tip - Shakes

I'm breaking away from my daily updates to talk for a minute about recovery. In P90x, Tony always pushes the P90x recovery drink. Shaun T also pushes a recovery drink, which I believe is the same as the P90x one. It is supposed to be a VERY good drink, both in taste and nutrients. I can't afford it. After doing some research, it is 1 part protein to 4 parts carbs(sugars). Many people substitute chocolate milk as it has that same ratio.

I like to use milk, protein powder, frozen blue berries, and frozen strawberries. Obviously the powder provides the protein and while I haven't measured it out, the berries contribute a fair bit of sugar. I also feel I get some other benefits out of this as berries are a great source of fiber and anti-oxidants.

After experimenting in P90x, a recovery drink really does make a difference when taken shortly after working out. It reduces soreness and restores energy levels much quicker than food. I felt it was important to put this down for anyone who is following this and not drinking something.

Now go Dig Deep or Bring It!

Day 38 - Max Cardio Conditioning

I'm not capable of putting into words how I feel right now. I have today and the next couple days off, so I should be able to recover. After the past week of painting and laying the laminate floor in my family room, I would have been wiped. Throw the second month of Insanity on top of that and I'm struggling to move.

This is the hour long counterpart to Pure Cardio, but it does include some ground work. He really does a fantastic job of combining moves and beating the hell out of you. It took me 30 minutes to build up the effort to start and the warm up almost did me in. After that, every move was effort. I did finish and look forward to Max Recovery tomorrow.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 37 - Max Interval Plyo

This has been the hardest routine to date. So many power exercises and so much ground work(Push up variations). I could ring my shirt out, never mind the puddle I left outside.

Extremely tough start today. I spent all day yesterday finishing the flooring, putting down the trim, dragging all the furniture back into the room.

I am so tired. Big time cardio tomorrow!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 36 - Max Internval Circuit

So today starts month 2 and a whole new set of videos, which now jump to 60ish minutes long. Today was supposed to be the Fit test and Max Interval Training(MIT). After previewing the workout, I opted to skip the fit test. Good thing I did. I really don't see how you could do both and have anything left after the warm up of MIT.

I was slow and sluggish from laying laminate flooring yesterday, so it took me a little longer to get started, but once I did, I dug deep, and made it all the way to China. I don't know how to describe this other than say it is ridiculously hard. I spent a fair amount of time watching all the floor work as there is a ton of it. On the up side, after this, I'm pretty sure my shoulder is almost all better. Tomorrow is supposed to be more floor work...great.