Saturday, July 31, 2010

P90x Legs/Back

Wait a minute, I did Shoulders/arms yesterday, why am I doing legs/back today? I have a wedding to go to tomorrow and want my legs to function a bit so I can dance. I'm not a great dancer, but I'm sure my 2 little girls will get me out there.

So it's legs/back today and yoga tomorrow.

Felt pretty good considering I finished a workout 13 hours earlier. For whatever reason, the workout just works for me. I don't mind it at all. I'm not even tired of it like a lot of the other ones.

P90x Shoulders/Arms

Yesterday morning I overslept a little and just didn't have the motivation to workout, so I skipped it. All day the guilt of skipping it sat heavy on my shoulders. So I got home, sucked it up and did it.
The biggest problem I have with this workout is the number of dumbbells I use. Yesterday I did it outside, so I had to cart them all out. Took 5 trips. Then I had to cart them all you can guess, that was worse.

Here are the stats:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

P90x Plyometrics

Trying to get back on track with my workouts. Another 80+ degree morning with 90% humidity. My allergies yesterday wrecked me, I went through close to a box of tissues with a runny nose. Feeling better today, but still dragging.

Had a very hard time getting started this morning but finally did. I struggled quite a bit today. I usually do the week after core but not as bad as today. It was another shirt wringing out sweat.

Have a good one gang and Happy Birthday to my little one, Liz.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

P90x Chest/Back

Back into the belly of the beast. Last phase. Tried hard to bring it today.
You would think getting back to the routine, which I like, would be easy and you'd improve in every exercise...wrong! I struggled to match my last performance in week 3. On top of that, my allergies were terrible. Blowing my nose constantly and feeling like there was an iron band around my chest made it hard to breath.
I'm nauseous, have a headache, and can't stop sweating.

Off to the showers.

P90x Stretch

Eased myself back in with stretch, which is the correct workout for the day. Felt good.

P90x Another Day Off

I've been feeling some mental fatigue setting in this round. I know all of the routines and even all of Tony's lines. It is getting stale. I'm also out of gas mentally with the discipline required to get up and workout everyday. I've been at this 10+ months.

So I took another day, lets see if it helped.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day off

We had an incredibly busy day yesterday and a tough night. I just couldn't get my body in gear for Core this morning. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I could do Core tomorrow, Yoga Tuesday, skip rest, and dive back in, on schedule with Chest/back. That puts a lot of strain on my shoulders with push ups that many days in a row. We'll see how I feel tomorrow morning.

P90x Stretch

I'm falling behind again with these posts. So easy to do on a weekend.
Anyway, yesterday was stretch, with I'm really starting to appreciate and even show some gains in. I must be getting old.

Friday, July 23, 2010

P90x Kenpo

Overslept this morning, and since you can't really cut anything out of this workout, I ran late this morning and had to race around afterward.

I had a nice sweat, but I wasn't pouring it off like I had been. It was only 80ish this morning. I love how easy this workout is without having done legs first.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

P90x Core Synergistics

Donating blood yesterday was a good thing to do, just not in relation to my workouts. Around 70% of the way through the workout, I was spent. I finished, but the rest was definitely at reduced capacity.

Prison cell push ups are so hard. How does Adam get 18!?! I get 7 and am happy.
Anytime I have to lie on my chest, I stop breathing and want to die when that exercise is over. I need to work on that.

P90x Rest/Stretch

As expected, yesterday ended up being a rest day. Not much else to say...I donated blood.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

P90x Yoga

Today was supposed to be the last day of week 7, Rest/Stretch. I know tomorrow I might not get to workout, so I swapped the first day of recovery week in, just in case.

I'm going to refer to this a bad yoga day. My legs were still a tired and stiff from Sunday and because of allergies, my nose was running and my balance was awful.

So it goes.

Monday, July 19, 2010

P90x Kenpo

Got 2 on call calls last night/this morning. Getting up was crazy hard as was getting started. Thank god it wasn't plyo.

It was also slightly cooler this morning, so I didn't sweat through my shirt. Tomorrow is supposed to be Rest/Stretch, but I'll be swapping that with Yoga, day 1 of recovery, and taking Wednesday off. Game night tomorrow and we usually stay up way too late to workout the next morning.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

P90x Legs and Back

Had a pretty good workout this morning. The 2 interruptions from my daughters early on gave me a couple extra minutes rest....always nice.

Recovery week is right around the corner. No more pull ups. Still lots of push ups, and double yoga. As my brother put it at one point, I do yoga 3 times in 8 days, or something like that. Still, my body will appreciate the changes as it has been feeling a bit beat up. I know the 4 weeks between this recovery and the last week of recovery is going to be a long haul, it always is.

P90x Yoga

Forgot to post yesterday. Too busy.

I had to abbreviate yoga a bit, probably cut out 15 minutes. I did work really hard during the vinyasas, etc and definitely felt it. I think I've been getting sloppy lately, so I paid extra attention to my form.

Busy day in the sun.

Friday, July 16, 2010

P90x Back and Biceps

Another tough on call night. 5 hours of sleep. Did pretty well, but definitely had a bit too much herking and jerking at the end.

Not much more to say today. Stat's below.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

P90x Plyometrics

Felt pretty good getting up this morning. Once I got started it felt like I was carrying a 40lb weight.

I'm really curious what's been causing me to drag the past week or 2. I'm wondering if my body is desperate for a recovery week, or worse, after 10 months of P90x and insanity, it wants a break. We'll see since recovery is next week.

Maybe it's the weather, the heat and humidity. I don't know.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

P90x Chest/Shoulders/Triceps

Ugh, had a terrible night. Stayed up too late, got a call from work just before midnight,and then the wife woke me at 4 because she was restless.
Like they say, I "just kept pressing play" I dragged a lot this morning, but put up some decent numbers.
My body is getting tired. I can't wait for Recovery next week.
I managed a dozen clap push ups today. Not bad.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

P90x Stretch

I'm really starting to show improvements with this. I've still got a long way to go, but the floor is now sometimes within reach of my finger tips.

6 weeks down, 7 more to go.

Monday, July 12, 2010

P90x Kenpo

Yesterday was a busy day. Legs in the morning, playing in the park with the kids around lunchtime and then 2 hours in the pool with them, so I was completely wiped last night. Then the little one came to visit around 2 AM, always a good time.

Needless to say, I almost overslept this morning. It was tougher than usual, but I got a good sweat and hopefully loosened up my legs.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

P90x Legs and Back

The first exercise, balance lunges is such a hard one to start with. I really struggle with it at the end. I'm still warming up.

Anyway, got a good sweat this morning and am happy it's done. We went to church last night, so hopefully we'll have a quiet, laid back Sunday.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

P90x Yoga

Stupid cat woke me up again this morning. Doesn't it know it's Saturday and the kids were up late, so they should sleep late too?

I really struggled this morning for a while. Pushing hard with shoulders and arms was great, but I was pretty tight and sore this morning. So it goes. I feel great now.

Friday, July 9, 2010

P90x Back and Biceps

What a burn today. Having the day off, I got to sleep in a little and felt good going in. Brought it pretty hard, going up in a lot of the exercises.

I'm definitely still tired in the shoulders from CST a couple days ago. I think that holds me back a little.

Anyway, here are the stats:

Thursday, July 8, 2010

P90x Plyometrics

14 hours after CST, in an 85 degree house, with enough humidity that it was almost foggy, I dove into Plyo, it was not pretty.

I was out of gas by jump knee tucks. There was no air to breath. I made it through, but it was far from my best performance.

When I was done, I took my shirt outside and wrung it out. There was at least a cup of sweat that came out of it, leaving a 2+ foot diameter puddle on my patio. I was still sweating when I got out of the shower.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

P90X Chest/Shoulders/Triceps

What a day! 95+ degree heat and almost as much humidity. Got to bed a little after midnight, up at 4:30, an hour drive, hang around the hospital while my daughter does some tests, another hour drive home, a quick snack, off to grandmas to help my father put in a new vanity and help hang a new cabinet, then, finally home to do CST.

Not enough calories, even with the AC on, the room is around 85 degrees, and I'm totally exhausted...BROUGHT IT!

Went up or stayed the same in all exercises. I'm complete mush now and will be heading for the 90 degree pool, but I got it done and done well.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

P90x Stretch

I went to bed last night trying to decide if I should Stretch or do CST today as tomorrow looks to be a very busy day.

When I wokeup, my body was telling me stretch. Even at 5:30am, it was hot enough in CT to sweat while stretching. Wow. My brother just emailed me he was going to do Plyo outside...he must be nuts. I think the heat index is over 100.

Hopefully I'll find a way to fit CST in tomorrow, even if it is in the evening.
Stay cool.

Monday, July 5, 2010

P90x Kenpo

I think I actually sweat beer today. Here in CT, it was 90+ for the 4th of July, so it was a pretty heavy beer drinking day, homebrew is so good. I wasn't bad with what I ate, so I'm not feeling too guilty about that. Certainly wasn't the P90x diet, but there was plenty of fruit and not too much processed sugar.

Kenpo this morning wasn't a big deal. Worked up a decent sweat, loosened up my glutes, which were tighter than usual after legs, and now I'm off to prepare brunch for some out of state visitors.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Early Morning Workouts

Yesterday I was talking with my brother and he said how he had gotten up that morning and done yoga straight away. The exact quote was something like, "How the hell do you workout first thing in the morning?" My answer was "You get used to it."

As with just about anything, just doing it makes it easier. Your body and mind learn to adjust. So don't be intimidated by bad performance if you are working out first thing in the morning for the first time. Your body will adjust and you'll get back to your expected performance.

Early morning workouts have a lot of benefits. Your body is primed to burn calories all day long. You always get to workout at the same time each day, a big benefit if you have kids, and most importantly, you get it done. It's not hanging over you for the rest of the day. There are fewer things that can get in the way or distract you from getting your workout done.

P90x Legs and Back

What a sweat! Started at 7:00 AM and it was already pretty hot and stuffy. Allergies and back were once again torturing me, but brought it anyway. I feel good and am happy I got this in before I begin eating too much today.

Have a great 4th of July everyone!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

P90x Yoga

Woke up and my back was still stiff. I'm getting tired of that.

I was a little unmotivated to start...the 1.5 hours is such a turn off for Yoga. Once I got going, I felt good, strong. As usual, I did all the push ups, but this time, they were easy. It's that whole muscle confusion thing again.

Friday, July 2, 2010

P90x Back and Biceps

What a great workout this morning. Hands and forearms were burning by the 5th exercise. I tried to be smart and went down in a lot of the weights, but will be returning to my previous dumbbells for a lot of the exercises next time.

Back is still a little stiff, but getting better, slowly. Hopefully yoga tomorrow will help.

The only problem with Back/Bis is setup/cleanup. I've got to drag out a ton of dumbbells and get the ladder I use for pull ups. The video may only be 52 minutes, but it still takes me an hour.

I'm afraid I'll be a preying mantis tomorrow because my bis will be so tight.

Almost forgot my stats:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

P90x Plyometrics

Another day of Plyo. This is a great workout, that just doesn't seem to get easier. The pile of crap I ate at my wife's Tastefully Simple party last night probably didn't help.

I brought it and managed 45 and 35 on the jump knee tucks. Man is that hard and it makes the Mary Katharines afterward even more difficult.

Looking ahead, I've got legs and back on the 4th. I almost hope there won't be a basketball game.

EDIT: I almost forgot, I've been using a folder up chair for swing kicks, so today I finally swapped it out for a bar stool. 12 seconds in, I knock it over.