Tuesday, July 17, 2012

P90x2 - DONE!

I finished up my last PAP Upper workout this morning.  I ended up taking a few extra days off this week so I'm a little late.  PAP really wore me out.  The extra days off at the end allowed me to finish much stronger.  I technically still have a recovery week, but that almost always gets skipped by most people.  I might throw a stretch and yoga in just to get something done.

So, what were my overall thoughts?  As with all programs, there are things I like and things I didn't like.  Phase one, focusing on core, was good for me, but I still prefer more of the lifting stuff.
In phase 2, X2 really started to ramp up into the areas I like.  I will say, while I enjoyed much of the lifting, the focus on core and balance didn't allow me to get the reps, or depth of strength, I had from P90x.  Take for instance push ups.  In P90x, I was doing 20-30 push ups for most sets.  In X2, doing them on the med ball, you're only about to get 8-12.  So I feel like I don't have that deep strength to do a million push ups anymore.  Still, the exercises were challenging and I think mixing some of P90x Chest/Back with P90x2 chest/back would result in a great workout.  Base and Back is a fantastic workout....plyo+legs...enough said.

Phase 3....PAP.  The first time I previewed the videos, I thought ho-hum.  Then I did them.  PAP is hard.  It's meant to be.  It pushes you all over the place and then expects you to go looking for more.  I really enjoyed the challenge of it and despite doing each routine twice a week, didn't get bored with it.  That being said, I'd love to see PAP Upper 2 and PAP Lower 2.

So now I'm done.  Time to figure out what's next.  I had finally started to clamp down on my eating during the start of phase 3, and had lost 5 or so pounds, then the 4th of July arrived and I gained it all back.  I'm getting back on the diet track, but I'll definitely need a workout to back it up.  Current contenders include a P90x/X2 hybrid or a MMA style workout put out by TapouT.  I'd love to try the new Beachbody Tai Chi workout as a less pounding option, but I'm not willing to pull the trigger on the cost for something I may or may not like.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

X2 - Lower - Last Week

Today started the third week of phase three.  It is likely my last week of phase three.  Beachbody suggest only 3-4 weeks of phase three and since my body is feeling pretty beat up, I'll likely end it after 3 weeks.

Drank way too much beer the past few days, ate way too much crap.  I managed to find the 5 pounds I lost last week.  At least I sweated out one pound of it this morning during Lower.  I do enjoy the PAP workouts.  They move fast and push you hard.

Today's plan, eat protein, drink water.  

The big/hard question is what's next after P90x2?

Friday, July 6, 2012

X2 - PAP Upper

I know I've been lax on putting up entries, but I'm still on target.  Today was my 4th time doing PAP upper.  It continues to be extremely challenging.  The first complex, which I already described is amazingly taxing.  The renegade rows followed by clap push ups pushes me hard and then plank and superman drives every bit of air from my lungs.

Still, feeling pretty tired and beat up.  One or 2 more weeks and I will wrap up X2.  Not sure what's on the horizon.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

X2 - PAP Lower

Starting up the second week of phase 3.  There is still some debate as to whether we'll be going 3 or 4 weeks.

It was a real mental challenge to get going this morning.  I spent most of yesterday picking up, delivering, and spreading mulch.  Much to my surprise and delight, the only things that were sore were my hands.  But I was still not in much of a mood to workout.  The house was a little over 80 degrees and a bit muggy.  I soaked through my shirt and towel today.

I reviewed the first half of the workout in my first review.  The second complex consists of the standard 4 moves.  The first one, is tough to describe.  Start with a dumbbell in your right hand, standing on your left foot.  Squat some, then reach across your body with the dumbbell and kick your leg out. 8 times, switch sides.  They show this exercise in the commercials on the website.  From there you jump right into Monster Mary Katharines.  Arms get thrown up as you jump as high as you can.  You only do 6 of these, but my heart is pumping something fierce afterward.

The second half of the complex has the Monster slalom where you just jump back and forth for 30 seconds. Then you wrap up with a move I simply cannot do.  Lie on your side, body straight.  Get up on your elbow and keep the side plank.  Then raise the top leg.  I can do the plank or I can raise the leg, but not both for more than about 1.4 seconds.

Its a great workout, but definitely one you get out what you put into it.