Saturday, August 21, 2010

More catch up

Another week has gone by. I missed a day this week, so that pushed things back. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm burned out. But I still intend to finish.
I'll put the number up at some point. I have a feeling these last 12 or so workouts are going to take 15+ days.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

P90x Catch Up 2

I've been keeping up with the workouts, but not the blog. Sorry about that.
I ended up skipping kenpo last week, but otherwise, on schedule. Had a great yoga workout today. When I focus on doing the moves right, and really make the effort, I feel so great afterward.

two and a half weeks left till I'm done.
Definitely going to have to go to the Dr about my shoulder. Hopefully a cortizone shot will be all I need and not surgery

Thursday, August 5, 2010

P90x catch up

I have been working out, but too busy to post.
I took rest after CST and did Plyo today.
The weather man said tropical humidity and he wasn't kidding. Another shirt wringer of a workout. I felt good at the start and finished strong despite the lack of air for me to breath.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

P90x Chest/Shoulders/Triceps

I shifted rest/stretch to tomorrow since I might not get to workout.
I had a tough time getting started this morning, as I have a lot lately. I ended up bringing it for the first time in a while.

Monday, August 2, 2010

P90x Kenpo

I was supposed to do Kenpo this morning, but was so tired from all the dancing last night, I had to sleep in.

I figure all the dancing was a fairly even trade, so I'm crossing this off as done.

I'm swapping rest/stretch and CST tomorrow, so I'll be working out again.

P90x Yoga

I managed to get through Yoga yesterday. I was sore everywhere. Push ups were downright painful till I warmed up. I had to skip a few things to fit it in, we had a wedding to go to. Still, had a good workout.