Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 2 - Cardio Power & Resistance

Once again, the warm up was tough. I actually spent a few minutes before I worked out doing a slower warm up. I'll be 37 next week, so I guess I take a little longer to get started.

This one was a little tougher than yesterday, my ankles took a long time to loosen up, so they hurt at the beginning and by time we got to the resistance exercises, I was pretty winded.

Still, Dug Deep and finished strong. It doesn't hurt that my brother is doing this too, so we'll be making sure the other one doesn't miss too many workouts. He's a week ahead of me, so he's done all of the first round workouts at this point. He tells me tomorrow is a bit easier.


  1. You must have gotten bored with p90x. I'm in week 12!! I've missed a few workouts but overall doing pretty well. I'll be watching on the edge of my keyboard!! Good luck Coach!

  2. Not bored, hurt. So it goes. Keep up the good work, you're almost there,.
