Sunday, July 31, 2011

Supreme 90 - Tabata Inferno

I'm a little late reviewing this one, but I have kept the schedule.
I'll be blunt, it was muggy and warm when I did this one, I wrung out my shirt at the end.
At it's heart, it is a circuit training routine. Twenty seconds on, 10 seconds off/transition. Then a minute break between circuits. Each circuit is either 2 exercises 4 times, or 4 exercises twice. The workout portion runs about 30 minutes.

The first circuit is jump squats, followed by mountain climbers...this is a 2 exercise circuit, so you do each of those 4 times. You're breathing pretty good at this point.

Second circuit is 4 exercises, so you do each of these twice. Starting off with high knees, from there you transition into a dumbbell exercise. He calls them thrusters, you squat and then at the top, add in a shoulder press. Both of these really get your heart rate up there. So while you're struggling to catch your breath, hit the deck for push ups. Roll over and wrap the circuit up with bicycle crunches.

That is a pretty good example of the routines. I won't detail the rest. It's not quite as demanding as Insanity, primarily because of the timing aspect, but it's still a good sweat.

My biggest complaint is the lack of variety. The last circuit was just a mash up of exercises you had already done during this workout...and exercises you had already done in other routines.

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