Sunday, July 31, 2011

Supreme 90 Shoulders and Arms

After Tabata Inferno, I was looking forward to something that kept my heart rate someplace in the normal area. This workout moved pretty fast and my heart rate was definitely higher than I expected.

Once again I opted to sub in the P90x warm up and cool downs. They are so much more workout appropriate. They do add about 5 minutes to total workout time as Tony spends a fair amount of time warming up.

The workout begins with some ab work. I've said it before and will say it again, I like that. Get it done and make it part of the workout. In P90x, abs are a separate workout you do at the end, I can't tell you how many times I finished the regular workout and didn't fire up the abs.

As expected, this workout consists of sets of 3 exercises. One shoulder, one bicep, and one tricep. There really isn't much more to write about it. There are some nice combo moves and by the end, my biceps were screaming.

He did incorporate the ball a bit. I thought it clever to use it for incline curls. I also like having it around to sit down on between circuits.

A couple highlight moves include a clean, jerk, shoulder press, 21s(wouldn't be biceps without those), and a three way tricep kickback.

Overall, a decent workout. I got a good sweat, and my arms, particularly my biceps, are definitely feeling it today.

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